What's the surest way to win a $10,000 Guaranteed Game?
A. Your local bingo hall
B. Another online bingo site
C. Rob a bank (no way!!!)
D. Play at BingoMania.com on Saturday, February 25th
If you answered D. Play at BingoMania.com on Saturday, February 25th, you're correct, and you deserve a chance to walk away with a $10,000 guaranteed prize in 75 calls!
The $10,000 Guaranteed game will be part of an exciting, fun-filled five-hour bingo session starting at 9pm EST inside the Loony Bin Room.
Here's your Special Tourney lineup (note: the 10k guaranteed game will play during the 11pm EST session)
Session 1 (9pm EST) π€©
$1,000 guaranteed bingo games
$500 Guaranteed bingo games
$250 Guaranteed bingo games
$250,000 Coveralls
$100,000 Coveralls
Free bingo games
Session 2 (10pm EST) π€© π€©
$1,000 guaranteed bingo games
$500 Guaranteed bingo games
$250 Guaranteed bingo games
$250,000 Coveralls
$100,000 Coveralls
Free bingo games
Session 3 (11pm EST) π€©π€©π€©
The $10,000 Guaranteed Game (Main Game)
$500 Guaranteed bingo games
$250 Guaranteed bingo games
$250,000 Coveralls
$100,000 Coveralls
Free bingo games
Session 4 (12am EST) π€©π€©π€©π€©
$1,000 guaranteed bingo games
$500 Guaranteed bingo games
$250 Guaranteed bingo games
$250,000 Coveralls
$100,000 Coveralls
Free bingo games
Session 5 (1am EST) π€©π€©π€©π€©π€©
$1,000 guaranteed bingo games
$500 Guaranteed bingo games
$250 Guaranteed bingo games
$250,000 Coveralls
$100,000 Coveralls
Free bingo games
When: Saturday, February 25th, 9pm to 2am EST
Room: Loony Bin room
Prizes: $10,000 Guaranteed Coverall game, plus $1,000, $500, and $250 Guaranteed games, $250k and $100k coveralls, and free bingo games